Bioheat® Fuel: the Renewable Heating Oil Warming You Right Now!

We are proud to deliver Bioheat® fuel to all our customers. Bioheat® fuel is a blend of renewable biodiesel and ultra-low sulfur heating oil that reduces carbon, sulfur and other particulate emissions; helps your boiler or furnace run more efficiently; and costs about the same as traditional heating oil.

Bioheat® fuel can be used in any oil-fueled heating equipment, without requiring expensive system upgrades, and immediately reduces your carbon footprint! Valley Oil delivers blends of at least 2 percent biodiesel (B2 Bioheat). Valley Oil, along with most members of the Northeastern/Mid-Atlantic liquid heating fuel industry, has committed to increasing the level of biodiesel in our fuels to reach net-zero emissions by 2050:

  • B20 Bioheat® fuel by 2023 for a 15% reduction in carbon emissions
  • B50 by 2030 for a 40% reduction
  • 100% renewable liquid fuels by 2050 for net-zero carbon emissions


Benefits of Bioheat® Fuel

Bioheat® fuel is not only good for the environment - it's great for your heating system and your community, too.

  • Bioheat® fuel produces the same satisfying heat levels as traditional heating oil.
  • It can be used in any oil-fueled heating system.
  • The cost for Bioheat® fuel is comparable to traditional heating oil.
  • Bioheat® fuels cleans and lubricates your heating equipment, making it run more efficiently.
  • Higher blends of Bioheat® fuel (B20-B99) have been delivered by heating companies throughout the Northeast without any system issues.
  • The biodiesel in Bioheat® fuel comes mainly from soybean oil, which is a waste byproduct of American soybean farming, and used cooking oil, which is recycled from local restaurants.
  • The U.S. can produce up to 3 billion gallons of biodiesel per year, and we have the near-term capacity to virtually double that in volume, drastically reducing waste, emissions and fossil energy use in the process.
  • The soybean and plant oils used in Bioheat® fuel are grown on American soil by American farmers.
  • Biodiesel production supports more than 65,000 clean-energy and agriculture jobs across the country.
  • Bioheat® fuel delivery supports thousands of local jobs at local, family-owned fuel retailers like Valley Oil.


What is Net-Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions?

Net-Zero Carbon means we reduce carbon dioxide emissions from our fuels by increasing the use of renewable, sustainable and/or recyclable resources and simultaneously removing carbon from the atmosphere throughout the fuel's lifecycle, so the product in your heating system is effectively carbon-neutral: removing as much GHG as it emits.

You can learn more about Bioheat® fuel at, and, or call us with any questions. Start reducing your carbon footprint with Valley Oil Bioheat® fuel.